moveable feast

Host Alex Thomopoulos meets with noted chefs in San Diego, Malibu, Salt Lake City, Newport, Boston and other cities for an introduction to the best ingredients and dishes from their local areas, followed by a magnificent feast held in a gorgeous setting. Enjoy an Asian-inspired feast in a garden, a rooftop fiesta featuring chiles en nogada and much more.

Showing airdates for Moveable Feast from Wednesday, May. 1 to Wednesday, May. 8

Eugene, Oregon


12:30 pmThursday, May. 2202412:30:002024-05-02 12:30:00
Show Episode Info

The vibrant town of Eugene, Oregon sets the scene for this week's episode of Moveable Feast. Host Alex Thomopoulos meets celebrated local chefs, Stephanie Kimmel and Crystal Platt, known for their farm-to-table cuisine. After gathering a veritable rainbow of farm-fresh ingredients from local markets, Alex travels to Antiquum Farm for a delectable menu which includes grand aioli, pork belly with pinot jam, and a frangipane baked by local chef Natalie Dutton.

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